What is Comic Shop Assistant?

It’s a web-based point of sale for comic shops and game stores. Why is it important to you? Because it was built with our current multi-distributor situation in mind. Because it saves you money. Makes you money. Saves you time. And just makes everything about running a nerd shop a little bit easier.

See our other videos made for ComicsPro 2023

  • Make more money

    Comic Shop Assistant makes you more money

    Learn some of the money-making features of Comic Shop Assistant. From detecting delinquent subscribers to finding expensive mistakes before you make them and more.

  • Save time

    Comic Shop Assistant saves you precious time

    Django and Jeff break down all the ways Comic Shop Assistant can save you time in your every day processes.

  • Always innovating

    Comic Shop Assistant is always adding new features

    We have ideas. And then we make them a reality. Staff messaging, time clock reports, a magical way to take inventory and then know where everything lives on your shelves…