Our Team

Scott Phelps
The Splash Page
Billings, MT

My name is Scott Phelps and I opened The Splash Page in Billings, MT in 1994.

We had been using MOBY since 2009 and, while I liked it, I KNEW we would have to upgrade as it was slowly dying and wasn't being supported anymore.

Django had for YEARS been helping with various ways to make MOBY last as long as possible. When he told me he was designing a new POS from scratch, I immediately signed up for whenever it would be done.

We made the switch in September 2023. He made converting our MOBY data easy and quick. At first, I was a little overwhelmed: I did not want to learn another program!

But, wow, it was actually fairly easy to get used to and is LIGHT YEARS ahead of MOBY. Django and Jeff are constantly updating CSA and listening to retailers' concerns and recommendations. They also always answer the phone when I have a question.

This POS will make your life easier and your store way more efficient. Worth every penny!

Allison Jenkins
Comic Envy
Asheville, NC

Seriously, I love CSA. It allows me to organize my chaos in ways that save me time and money. In this time of distribution chaos, having all my orders in the same place and in the same format is the bees knees.

The ordering system allows me to carefully personalize, dictate, and color code what distributor I order what from. I find the receiving process, pull system and special order system easy to use. Uploads and exports are simple, reports and closing counts are easy.

I can use it from any browser including my tablet, and I can work on all my menial work from anywhere instead of being bound to the store. Also, I've found it wonderful to be able to jump on and help an employee solve a problem with an item or pull from afar and with a quickness.

What I like most about CSA is that it is very flexible and easy to jump around on. There are more than one way to do most things. Being able to run multiple windows with several open transactions is wonderful on Wednesdays especially, as it keeps me fast at ringing up those in a hurry, but allows those who are hanging out to not feel rushed, and maybe grab a few more things before they're ready.

I have not yet begun to utilize all the functions, and am excited to teach it my inventory pars next. I look forward to learning what else it can do for me.

Also, did I mention the customer service is great? I have yet to have a problem Django and Jeff could not help me solve in a timely manner, and they have been very patient with questions and open to all my ideas. I came from the hell that was Comic Suite/RMH, and I can tell you I am happy to be out and hating my life way less since CSA got me outta there.

Ralph Mathieu
Alternate Reality Comics
Las Vegas, NV

Myself and my staff at Alternate Reality Comics were elated and relived to be one of the very first Comic Shop Assistant users as our previous POS just wasn’t working for us anymore (too many bandaids that finally gave up the ghost). Using and learning CSA couldn’t have been easier and Django and Jeff have always been really quick with getting back to us on any questions we had / have.

Greg Thompson
Local Heroes
Norfolk, VA

CSA is wonderful. Run by knowledgeable folks who care. Ever-evolving for the best, with en eye towards the future of our industry. I can't recommend it highly enough.

Tim Stoltzfus
More Fun Comics and Games
Denton, TX

CSA is the comic store point of sale made for comic stores by comic store owners.

Every other option is produced by people whose primary interests are not making sure my business is successful. CSA's first priority is my success.