Comic Shop Assistant is a web-based comic and game store point of sale system

  • Point of Sale

    The core of running any business. But comic shops have an extra layer of complexity that most POS systems don’t address. Discounts for preorders and subscriptions. Flagging multiple purchases of the same item by the same customer. Removing purchased items from set-aside inventory. Managing subscriptions directly from a transaction. Adding everything form a customer’s hold file to a transaction at once… It’s all possible with Comic Shop Assistant.

  • Customer management

    Does your customer care about the condition of their new comics? Do they like bags and boards with their purchases? Do they like to be automatically subscribed to upcoming comics that are similar to their current subscriptions? Comic Shop Assistant makes all of this possible. And easy. It also lets you set time or budget limits on items set aside for customers, so you can stop ordering if they’ve ghosted you.

  • Item catalog

    Comic stores have something like 5,000 new barcodes available to us every month. A typical grocery store has around 40,000 total barcodes. Managing all of these items can be difficult for many systems to handle. Luckily, Comic Shop Assistant is built just for this.

    Easy importing and editing of products is key to making sure your comic or game store runs smoothly, so we made it happen.

  • Faster orders with fewer errors

    Placing orders for comics can be daunting. Comic Shop Assistant gives you helpful tools and color-coded data to make sure you’re ordering in the best way for your store.

    Historic sales history for series, variant cover information at your fingertips, subscription and special order quantities as well as a shelf target number are added up and presented to you as a suggestion for order quantities.

  • Check in quickly

    In early 2020, when DC separated from Diamond, check-in became a more laborious task for us. In fact, building this system was partly inspired by our need to streamline this process.

    Check in of invoices can be done one distributor at a time or ganged up to check in many orders at once. Pull sheets for subscriptions can also be printed on a per-distributor or combined basis.

    Didn’t get enough items to fill an order? No problem, you get a detailed list of customers who want the item and their buying habits. Then YOU get to decide who gets the order filled now and who has to wait for replacements.

  • Back issue warehousing made easy

    In our store, Django buys comics faster than any human could possibly process them. So we came up with a solution that lets even non-comic experts inventory collections quickly and get them in front of your customers asap.

    Customer interest helps guide your priorities for grading and pricing books, and meanwhile, you know exactly which box to find your un-priced books in.

  • Employee tools

    Our built-in time clock, internal messaging system for staff communication, and task checklists help streamline employee management.

    Send messages to specific staff members for internal communication. Only register folks need to know where the barcode cheat sheet lives now? Push that communication out to them with out the need for a staff meeting.

    Need a checklist for Sunday tasks in your store? It’s right there on the tasks page for easy reference.

  • Bulk inventory adjustments

    Sometimes you just have to inventory the whole store, and that’s a hassle. We’ve made it so you can inventory your shop by category, saving you from those long nights trying to finish scanning everything before the store opens in the morning.

    Also, because of our inventory process, once you’ve done inventory through Comic Shop Assistant, you have an extra tool for finding items on the shelf that are eluding you. Just click the sandwich icon, and get a list of five items that were scanned before and five scanned after the item you’re searching for.

  • Built by a comic and game store

    Jeff and Django work on the floor in our 2500-square-foot comic store every week. We know what it takes to run OUR store, and we’ve seen what it takes to run other stores.

    Comic Shop Assistant is built to be flexible. Not every store is run the same, so we want to make sure this system does things in the way YOU need them done as well as the way WE need them done.

    By the time this thing is done, the settings and options page will be as big as your Facebook preferences page. But in a good way. Not a bad way like that sounds.